Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I went back yesterday to my hometown for a short business trip and took the opportunity to partake on some of my all time favorite food with a colleague of mine. I must say we returned back with our stomach full to the brim and mouth lingering with an unforgettable array of delightful tastes.

Luckily I remembered to take my faithful camera with me this time and here is a montage of good old Penang food for your viewing pleasure:

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Bite This

posted by Daryl W.T. Lau at 12:10 AM |


At May 19, 2007 at 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I've actually boycotted the Lrg Selamat coffeeshop and char kuey teow. Both also sombong like mad and had horrible experiences there. Too bad they can't behave as well as the food can be.


At June 6, 2007 at 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Good stuff Daryl.
I came across your blog while searching for local malaysian recipe for briyani rice. I actually read through all your archives on malaysian food. The recipes are great. I am a malaysian living in Melbourne, who missed malaysian food dearly. Just wondering if you could put up the recipe for Briyani, please???
Thanks heap.


At November 17, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

wow...all the food look so delicious...yummy..i love Penang food. after looking at all these picture, i start to paln to go Penang in these few weeks..
oh... so iresistible!!!!


At October 25, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Anonymous kevin harwood

I doing something similar to you. I am putting on a large collection of amish recipes on the internet. I love all different types of foods. I just wanted to thank you for putting on those grea looking foods.